Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 1 recap

I finished the first week of our #FriskyFall challenge, and I have to admit there were some ups and downs along the way.  Overall I am proud of what I accomplished, and I can see where I need to improve for the next week.

Here's a quick look at it

  • Knocked out 12 miles
  • Didn't get to the 17.5 i needed, but still a HUGE improvement over a normal week for me
  • Got some type of workout in each day
  • Didn't do all the workouts they wanted
  • Fit in BC 3 times
  • They want it about 5- still, big upgrade for me
  • Attacked my CT5K program 3 times 
  • Right on target!!!
  • Used my TIU cardio challenges towards my miles
  • Supposed to do those challenges PLUS additional miles
  • Cleaned up my eating
  • Still indulged on Saturday and Sunday,  just not as much
For this coming week, I am going to try to keep progressing slowly.  I know for me it isn't exactly realistic to do 40 minutes of cardio THEN another 3 miles per day, plus toning routines.  I'm going to try to build up and add some, but again, I am trying to be patient and allow myself baby steps.

I weighed myself this week- 123.5lbs.  I don't have a real goal weight, because I truly care more about the way I look and feel and not the number.  I'm not sure what is healthy (it all depends on who you ask) but I've been told I could range from 113 (seems WAY too low) to 125.  I've felt my best in my recent past at 118, but again, the number is not my end goal.

My 5K is only 3 weeks away!  Will I be ready?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

89 to Go!

Started the #FriskyFall challenge on Monday and I've already logged 11 miles.  Now, to many, that might not be that impressive, but for me it is a HUGE accomplishment.  I really want to focus on the positive so here we go:

  • By Thursday (today) I've already completed my 3 CT5K sessions
  • Gone to the gym since Monday
  • Woke up super early today (5:30AM) to get my workout in
  • Kept my eating clean and on track
  • Laid off the sauce (no alcohol yet)
  • Already completed 3 Tone it Up routines
  • Declined the option for ice cream at a work party

The reason these are so exciting for me is that I have accomplished so much more than normal, and I don't feel burned out.  The positivity of the #TIU community has really helped me find motivation when I lacked it.  Using Instagram, the Community page, and Twitter I feel like I am personally responsible for my actions, and it will let people down if I don't follow through.  

While I don't see any physical results (I mean, it has only been 4 days!) I am feeling so good!  My energy is high- of course the 2 cups of tea today certainly didn't hurt that- and I am excited to keep going with the program.  Plus I have a new app that lets me write on my pictures and make them all cute, so I love posting!

I'm still not 100% sure I'm following the plan correctly.  Like on our weekly calender today it said the 2.5 miles and Saved by the Bell.  Not sure if we're supposed to do more work on top of that, or if this is all they would like us to do.  Maybe I'll try to build up from this, but as it stands I'm at the gym for a pretty solid chunk of time with just their challenges.

We were asked to get 2.5 miles- I did CT5K Week 4 Day 1.  Admittedly, my legs are sore from so much cardio, and probably not nearly enough stretching.  When at a much slower pace, was constantly swearing at the clock, but got it done.  Because it was slower, and a shorter program length, I walked a little longer to hit my target.

We then had a kettleball routine.  I did the beginners (Saved by the Bell Part 1) one time through, then Part 2 1 time through.

Tonight is a happy hour for a friend's engagement, so I'm going to try to stick either to just soda water (but that will start pregnancy rumors) or 1 glass of wine.  If we eat, I checked out the menu and will get hummus with celery and carrots.  Not bad, right?

Depending on the time/how hungry I am, I'm going to try to get a little yoga/stretching in tonight.  Seriously so sore, I'm not sure how I'll make it through Personal Training tomorrow!

Have a GREAT Thursday eve!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just Keep Moving

So with the Tone It Up #FriskyFall yes, the hashtag is necessary! I'm trying to figure out exactly what my workouts are supposed to be.  There are daily challenges, but also a weekly move, and the ever important 100 by Halloween.  The thing is, if I do all 3 a day that's a whole lotta working out, and I just don't have time for that.

Last night I tried to do the Weekly Workout, which has some interval training followed by toning.  The interval work consists of 3 minute jog followed by 2 minute run; repeat 4 times.  My first problem was simply a matter of timing.  Without the friendly CT5K app which overrides my music or Netflix (I can get lost in my run when watching Revenge), I found myself staring at the clock, which made it drag.  Secondly, I am not quite at the point yet where that is a sustainable pace for me.  Obviously after the first round I slowed it down to something more doable, and for the time, I set alarms to go off when the section was done.  Having to constantly reset timers, though, was frustrating, and again, I was mostly watching the clock.  Not good for me.  I ended up finishing that, then continued with a brisk walk (4 mph) to get my 2.5 miles in (94 to go).

Moving on to the this point it was pretty late since I had to work the long shift.  I was ready to get home, and I'm always so intimidated going into the weights section of a gym where buff men in muscle shirts pump serious iron.  But after walking back and forth several times, I decided to go in.  I completed the first set of 30 lunges with alternating shoulder raises (5 lbs), and 30 deadlifts (40 lbs), but that was it.  Just 1 round (they want 4), and I skipped the push ups, sit ups, and tricep dips.  I know, I know, they put it on the plan because it's important, but I just couldn't do it.

Walking to my car I was feeling kind of down on myself.  Why couldn't I just push through my embarrassment, ego, and very minor exhaustion?  I felt like I wasted my time and my virtual trainers' time.

And then I had this moment of clarity.  This isn't about perfection.  It's not about being at the ending goal.  This 6 week challenge is just that: a challenge.  Would I have gone to the gym when truthfully all I wanted was to be sitting on my couch in sweatpants?  No, I would not.  But I went anyway because I felt like I owed it to myself, to Karena and Katrina, and to the whole TIU community.

Today will be a good day.  I know my work will stress me out, but I have so many things to be grateful for.  I have an amazing husband, wonderful "real" friends, incredibly supportive TIU "friends", and I have the power to control my emotions.  Although it already went off track (I left my smoothie I made at home), I will find ways to be thankful.

Tonight I'm going to do the Detention workout 3 times and get at least my 2.5 miles.  Maybe I'll switch it up and do a few on the elliptical (I've never been good with those machines) and the rest on the treadmill?

We got this, #FriskyFall babes! :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Frisky Fall

Some days it feels like the stars align.  Everything happens right when you need it to, and when you're ready.  Maybe it's because you're more willing and receptive to the signs, or maybe it truly does just all work on the perfect timing for your journey.  Yesterday was one of those days.

You may have noticed I took a brief hiatus from my goals.  A combination of traveling, unpreparedness, and the lack of a gym zapped my willpower.  And then the other day I perused Groupon and found a 6 month gym membership for $30.  THIRTY DOLLARS.  Couldn't pass that one up, right?  I decided I was going to use that as my last ditch effort to getting my CT5K completed.  So I went on Wednesday, rested Thursday, and had personal training Friday.  The weekend was an indulgent one, so I decided to take it easy look towards my day off on Monday to really pull everything together.

So where is the last piece to my puzzle?  Last night I found out my Tone It Up girls launched a new challenge: Frisky Fall.  There are daily workouts and tests, as well as an overall 100 by Halloween.  That's 6 weeks to get 100 miles, which is scary and exciting at once.  To be fair, you can count gym classes towards the miles, so it doesn't have to be running/walking/biking.

Anyway, that's where I am.  About to run CT5K Week 3, Day 1!

Happy #FriskyFall everyone :)

PS If you want  to watch my journey in another way, follow my Instagram and Twitter, both @TravelerKateTIU

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 2 Recap

This was a so-so week.

Monday I did CT5K and increased my runs to 7.2.  I felt really good and loved pushing through the challenge.

Tuesday was supposed to be a double day with TIU training in the morning and CT5K before a birthday dinner.  Unsurprisingly, I slept in, then had to run errands before dinner.  I had planned on having a salad, but the unusual offer of bruschetta took away my willpower.  Because I am gluten-free, anytime I see a former favorite available I tend to cave.  And you know what?  It was delicious.

Wednesday was the start of a 2 day road trip to Wichita.  I wanted to get up and do a TIU routine, but instead I got up even earlier (whaa?) and did a CT5K.  This time I did 7.4: BOOM.  It was a bit harder, and even though most of the runs are only a minute and half I found myself checking the time every few seconds.  Maybe it's the music.  Maybe my endurance.  Maybe I have adult ADHD?  Or run-induced ADHD?  Anyhoo, I got it done, then celebrated by lunch at On the Boarder (but did NOT have a margarita, thank you very much) and dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (and I DID have a cider, thank you very much).

Thursday (yesterday) more sales calls and back home to KC.  I had a caprese salad at lunch, so not great thanks to the cheese, but not the worst thing I could have picked.  I did stop and grab a chocolate/cherry shake on the drive home.  Didn't come close to finishing the small, though.  Win?  I was stuffed still so dinner was just some brussel sprouts.

Today was my Personal Training.  If you haven't heard, I have a major love/hate relationship with it.  I love it when I'm done, because I know I worked hard and did good work.  But during?  Absolutely not.  I sweat, swear, and complain. Maybe it's because I'm with family I can be more expressive?  All I know is that for the next few days I'll be sore.

My weekend looks like most: busy.  I drive to Omaha tonight to see a friend get hitched on Saturday.  I'll try to pace myself and keep the drinking on the lighter side.  I also hope I can find time to get in a CT5K and round out my 3 for the week.  Not sure if I'll get any more toning than my training session this morning.  Then I go up to Sioux Falls and meet my nephew, so I'm sure some Red Rossa Pizza is in store for us.

Overall, I feel good.  I know my biggest hurdle is my eating (and drinking).  I got down a bit because I weighed myself for the first time since starting this and I GAINED 1.5lbs.  I know that can be the result of a lot of things, but it just took the wind out of my sails. Oh well.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Recap

As I predicted, Girls Weekend at the lake meant lots of eating and drinking.  The closest I came to exercise is a late night paddleboat ride.  That counts, though, right?

This week is full of lots of possible roadblocks: birthday dinners, work trip, wedding, and visiting my brand new nephew (born this morning!).  I'll still do my very best to keep to my plan.  Here is how I am hoping the week will go:

Monday: After work CT5K followed by a TIU routine
Tuesday:Morning TIU, after work CT5K
Wednesday: Morning TIU, drive to Wichita
Thursday: After I get home, CT5K
Friday: Personal Training
Saturday and Sunday I'll be in Omaha for a wedding, then Sioux Falls for my family.

Fingers crossed I can put little check marks next to all of these!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 4 and already missed a blog

I know you were all worried about me hahaha since I didn't blog yesterday, but I was so busy!  So let me fill you in on the last fey days

Wednesday: Day 2 of CT5K went awesome!  I was running way faster than I ever have (6.9- don't judge because I have no frame of reference to know if that's fast, slow, or average).  Granted, the 2nd day is only running for 1 minute increments with walking for 1.5 minutes in between, 8 times.  But regardless, I felt great and was psyched with my progress.  I even fit in a Tone It Up routine in the morning- Malibooty.  Basically, I rocked that shit.

Thursday: I knew that in order to complete my mission of CT5K 3 times a week and TIU twice I needed to get it done today.  So I woke up early, did CT5K day 3, and hit a wall.  I was so exhausted, didn't feel like doing it, and basically struggled.  I accepted that my stamina and drive was not there, and the sad fact that I was cramping from the get go.  In order to compensate for my MUCH slower runs, I put a few of them at a small (1) incline- so that helps, right?  Anyway, I muddle through and get the hell out of the gym, go home, ad complete 2 rounds of TIU Sunkissed Abs.  Also hard.

Tuesday night also was a happy hour for a dear friend, and after only 1 beer I felt like I rocked it... until dinner.  Salty Iguana Mexican with Iguana Dip (a delish espinaca) and a taco.  So many chips and salsa too.  So, food wise, not the best.  But I stuck with water at least!

Friday- today- early morning Personal Training.  Scott always kills me, and today was lots of legs and arms.  So so sore, but at least it's done and I don't have to see him until next week.

What's my plan for the weekend?'s my friend's annual Lake Weekend, so a group of us girls will be drinking and eating a lot.  I packed gym clothes since a few said they want to do a walk/run, so maybe that would happen.  Our hostess also said she wants to do a treading water competition to get a workout in, so we'll see how dead I am after this morning.

I promise to never leave you again for so long!